modern luxury houston
At Modern Luxury, connection and community define who they are. They’ve developed a platform that includes 85+ luxury brands across 22 markets nation wide. When our firm was tapped to design their new Houston offices, we designed it to represent their brand to an affluent audience. As curators of style, fashion, and brand content, their space needed an open, modern feel that featured the creative energy of the team. It functions like a gallery where the art of branding is on display. Color was reserved largely for the work, drawing the eye and interest. The circulation of the office features tack walls where creatives can scrum and flesh out ideas. There are a number of large, arched windows that bring in natural light. We wanted to use these attractive architectural features to frame specific areas that best utilize their grandeur. Along with the polished concrete floors, this postindustrial texture creates an aesthetic contrast to the high-fashion content on display throughout the space. As a brand in itself, Modern Luxury makes a statement to visiting clients: we know how to communicate “chic.”